REVIEW: Snow Fairy Magic Wand bubble bar

REVIEW: Snow Fairy Magic Wand bubble bar

I’m pretty sure everyone knows of the Snow Fairy range at Lush, that appears at Christmas!

It’s a gorgeous bubblegum and candy scent that is brilliant to sweeten up your day.

This particular product in the Snow Fairy range is great because it is reusable! When I had mine I literally got about 7 uses out of it! How fab!!

Just swish it around the bath as the tap’s running and watch super soft bubbles appear!

A video will be up within the next hour, showing the bubble bar in action!

Even better: It lasts for ages, it’s Vegan and a soap alternative would be The Godmother (as it shares the same fragrance)

Makes me sad: It was a Christmas product and isn’t available any more! )-:

3 thoughts on “REVIEW: Snow Fairy Magic Wand bubble bar

    • Most bubble bars you can actually reuse! They are quite hard to find between the ballistics and the melts -I usually go with looking for the softer textured ones, as they usually turn out to be the bubble bars. Melts can also be reused. With both melts and bubbles, I cut the product into 1/2, 1/3 or even 1/4 (depending on size) and end up getting loads out of one thing (-:

      • Oh, yes, I wouldn’t dream of using a whole one – I just mean with the regular bubble bars, you can cut them with a knife and leave the bit you’re not using safe and dry, where as the ‘reusable’ ones get wet all over – and you have to find a home for the stick! 😛

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