REVIEW: Porridge Soap

REVIEW: Porridge Soap

I originally bought Porridge for my boyfriend a few years ago, but since he’s began using it I’ve become addicted too!

This soap is warm and exfoliating.

With loads of crumbly oats, this soap exfoliates and protects the skin. Oats, in cosmetics, are anti-inflammatory and help to sooth and relieve itchy, irritated skin.

Surprisingly there’s some orange orange juice and oil in this soap too! I’ve never really been able to smell it, but oranges cleanse the skin (especially great for oily skin) and if you have a super sensitive nose, you’ll be able to pick up the sweet orange oil too!

Porridge makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside!
Like I’m wrapped up in cotton wool and being bathed in yummy oat milk!

Even better: Vegan and mmmm I’m sleepy just thinking about it

Makes me sad: noooothingggggg

2 thoughts on “REVIEW: Porridge Soap

    • sorry for the late reply -i’ve been stupid busy! and no problem at all! they are pretty small and seem to cause no problems at all (-:

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