About a week ago I decided to henna my hair, and I am super impressed with the results!

Here is a little step-by-step guide of how to.




So, this is just really what the Caca Brun Henna block looks like. I used the whole block on my hair, with a bit of the remainder on my eyebrows (which I feel is a revolutionary idea created by myself, just sayin’)



First thing to do is to chop the henna as fine as you can. (The smaller the chunks are, the easier they will melt.)




Put the chopped henna into a bowl and add boiling hot water. Keep stirring it until you get a lovely gooey henna mess! Add more water if you feel that it is too thick, although consistency doesn’t really matter -just as long as there is enough to spread on whatever you are hennaing. 



Use some kind of cream/lotion/balm to coat the surrounding areas of wherever you are hennaing, so you don’t stain the skin. E.g. for brows do a coat around the eyebrow area, for hair coat the forehead down to the ears.




Okay, so to apply the henna to the brows use some kind of small brush (this is a nail art brush) to gently brush the henna onto the eyebrows. Remember to go across and backwards, as to get all of the hairs. If this gets a bit messy, use cotton buds to trace along the eyebrow to clear up any dripping or spills (you will look as if you have the classic slug brow, but it’s all for natural dye so don’t worry! It will be worth it!)



Okay so to apply the henna just slop it on! It’s pretty similar to how you would normally dye your hair, so it’s not that difficult -although  I would definitely suggest getting someone else to apply it for you. 

Wack your hair up and leave it in for 2.30-3 hours. I know this seems like a long time, but for the results it is truly worth it!

Once the wait is up, just wash it out with a gentle/conditioning hair wash (I used Grass shower gel) and work the henna out a few times. There’s really no need to wash your hair any more after this, just let the lovely results of henna blow you away!


RESULTS: Okay so I chose not to upload a picture of my hair because well.. how boring is that. Because of all the Cocoa butter in Lush’s henna, my hair went from having tons of split ends to literally none! The Brun didn’t change the colour of my hair dramatically (which is what I wanted so yay!) but it did condition a ton and add loads of shine! 

Hennaing your hair is something I’d really recommend! Not only does it give great results, but it saves all them horrible dyes from destroying your hair! 


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